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Investigating digital platforms and AI for the social good
I'm an economist specializing in innovation economics, with a focus on digital technologies, especially digital platforms and AI. I explore the dynamics of digital innovation and alternative models for deploying these technologies for socio-economic development. See below for my completed and ongoing projects. Check out the other tabs for my full CV, papers in development, and publications.
Uncovering the Brazilian platform economy
We have published the first study to characterize the platform economy in Brazil. By training NLP algorithms to find Brazilian platform companies in databases (e.g., Crunchbase, Orbis), we offer insights for a data-driven regulatory policy.
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., FEITOSA, P. Digital platforms adoption by SMEs in emerging markets. Are they beneficial amid high uncertainty? (in peer-review)
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., RIBEIRO, L. (2024) “Economia de plataformas: A eclosão de empresas brasileiras controladoras de plataformas digitais”, in Digitalização e Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação: oportunidades e desafios para o Brasil, KUBOTA, L. (Org.), Rio de Janeiro, IPEA.
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., RIBEIRO, L. (2024) Understanding Brazil's Platform Economy: Trends and Regulatory Challenges. Nova Economia.
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., RIBEIRO, L. (2023) 'The Brazilian digital platform economy: a first approach.' VII ENEI Conference proceedings.
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., RIBEIRO, L. (2022) 'The Brazilian digital platform economy: a first approach.' SocArxiv
Explaining global platform companies' spatial clusters
We look for the variables that explain why platform companies emerge with greater density in certain locations. We use our base of approximately 30,000 platform companies to build econometric models.
TUPY, I., SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., RIBEIRO, L., "Decoding the Geographical Footprint of European Digital Platform Companies: Insights from a Comprehensive Analysis of Socio-economic Factors" (work in progress)
CHIARINI, T., SILVA, V., RIBEIRO, L., TUPY, I. (2023). 'Platform economy in tax havens: do platform companies stand out in terms of tax arbitrage?' 50 ANPEC national conference proceedings.
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T., RIBEIRO, L. (2022). 'Voyages of discovery: charting the new geographies of the platform economy.' VI ENEI Conference Proceedings.
Mapping alternative platform regimes
We go beyond the "platform as a company" vision to elucidate how public authorities can mobilize platforms for socioeconomic development. This includes public service, civic and infrastructure platforms.
SILVA, V., ZUIDERVEEN, F., GELLERT, R. "The state in the platform economy: a typology of alternative approaches" (work in progress)
SILVA, V. FRENKEN, K., SUSHA, I., HOEKMAN, J. "How academia works with/around platform data" (work in progress)
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T. (2023) 'The platformization of science: towards a scientific digital platform taxonomy.' Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
SPANÓ, E., SILVA, V. (2022) 'Public service innovation in Brazil after COVID-19: digital platforms across the levels of public administration', Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, v. 18, n. 52
SILVA, V., CHIARINI, T. (2021) 'Technological progress and political systems: Non-institutional digital platforms and political transformation', Technology in Society, v. 64, p. 101460
AI as a General Purpose Technology
We explore the applications of artificial intelligence in various sectors, considering its pervasiveness and complementarity with other technologies.
SILVA, V.; BONACELLI, M., PACHECO, C. (2022) 'Framing the effects of machine learning on science', AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication
SILVA, V.; BONACELLI, M., PACHECO, C. (2020) 'Digital Technology System: artificial intelligence, cloud computing and Big Data', Brazilian Journal of Innovation, v. 19, p. e0200024